News, September 14, 2023

12 Residential Social Houses / Rome

12 Residential Social Houses / Rome

The works for the demolition and reconstruction of 12 residential social houses in Via Pietro Gasparri, Primavalle – Torrevecchia locality in Rome have just started.
3TI Progetti was in charge of the design and health and safety management during the design phase, following the development of the construction site by taking care of the works supervision and operational management.
The project, commissioned by the Azienda Territoriale Edilizia Residenziale del Comune di Roma (ATER Roma) through the urban intervention programme called ‘Contratti di quartiere II’ (Neighbourhood Contracts II), became necessary following an evaluation of the current condition of the existing building.
The intervention emphasis its strong social purpose of enhancing and requalifying the housing conditions offered to the citizen, furthermore improving also the quality of life.
The state of decay in which the existing building stands and its non-compliance with structural and MEP safety requirements, as well as its construction non-compliance with current typological canons, consisted the demolition of the existing building and the reconstruction of a new one in compliance with current regulations, with the adoption of technical solutions to make it highly energy efficient.