#sustainability, May 14, 2024

3TI Ambassador for Ingenio al Femminile Thesis Award

3TI Ambassador for Ingenio al Femminile Thesis Award

🦋 We are delighted to announce that we are Ambassadors for the #IngenioalFemminile Thesis Award!

Concrete actions, constant commitment and daily promotion of female talent in engineering: these are the main aspects we have in common with this initiative, promoted by #cniingegneri in collaboration with Cesop HR Consulting Company.

The theme of this year’s competition is ‘The new 5.0 paradigm and the strategic role of engineering’. Five prizes of Euro 1,500 each will be awarded in the following categories: Doctoral theses; Theses in Civil and Environmental Engineering; Theses in Industrial Engineering; Theses in Information Engineering; Thesis in Biomedical Engineering (in memory of Giulia Cecchettin).

Apply by 30 June! Find all the information on the official page and on the dedicated page on the 3TI website concerning this prestigious prize >>

