Cubo d’oro | Casa Clima Award
We are very proud to announce that the New Multifunctional Library for the University Campus “Polo dei Rizzi”- Università degli Studi di Udine has been awarded as one of the best 5 certified projects of the last year by Casa Klima, achieving an A of the class energetic certification.
Last friday the Cubo d’oro prize awarding ceremony took place in #Bolzano: Eng. Claudio Iacono as design team representative, with the Rector of Udine University Roberto Pinton received the award.
We would like to thank Agenzia per l’Energia Alto Adige – CasaClima and all our partners who participated in this innovative and technological project for the students of the University of Udine!
Credits project
City: Udine, Italy
Client: Università di Udine
Architectural design: Rossiprodi Associati , S.B.ARCH. BARGONE ASSOCIATI
Structural design & MEP: 3TI Progetti JV leader
Works supervision & Health and Safety management: 3TI Progetti
Photo credits: Casa Clima