Decomissioning of 6 steam generators | Latina ex-nuclear power station

We are happy to announce that the construction works for the decommissioning of six massive steam generators of the primary circuit at the #Latina ex-nuclear power station are starting. 🏗️
3TI Progetti, in JV with IRIDE – Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Ingegneria Dell’Ecosostenibilità, was in charge of the detailed design of the framework agreement.
✅ The main goals of this project are:
• the reduction of risks, both nuclear and conventional, for the operators carrying out the activities and for the Sogin staff present at the plant;
• the minimization of environmental impact; 🌱
• the management of waste materials in accordance with current legislation and the requirements of the Control Authority.
We thank the whole design team and the building construction companies: GDES, AST, CMS, EMIS, BURLANDI 🤝