“Appia Vecchia” provincial roadway

“Appia Vecchia” provincial roadway

3TI has carried out the Definitive and Executive Design of the road box enlargement works of the Provincial Road no.95/a Appia Vecchia in the stretch from km 5+500 to km 6+600.
The Provincial Road is of great importance for the viability and the economic and agricultural development of the area included between the most southern part of the Castelli Romani and the coast south of Rome. It has an average width that varies according to the stretches, from 6 to 8 meters flanked by soil or cement longitudinal dips for the water disposal. By km 6+350 there is a permanent bow bridge on the Fosso Minello with a 5,80m wide roadway preceded, Genzano side, by a low radius bend.
The increase of the traffic circulation has risen the problems due to the small size of the roadway, preventing in this way the development of the arterial road; for this reason the Local Government foresaw, already at the beginning of the ‘80s, the road box enlargement between km 5+500 and km 6+600, where the roadway is more narrow, and the construction of a new bridge on the Fosso Minello.
The current crossing work is made up of a three-span bridge that cannot be extended, therefore the design has opt for an adjustment of the existing substructures and the construction of a new deck.
The bridge in question has been built with a steel-concrete mix system with a beam static scheme at a distance of 43.00m. The metal girder is made up of four adjacent beams all 2.00m high placed at a 2.50m centre distance, made at double welded T. The basic layout is straight. The aim of this project is to enhance the efficiency of the road connection between Genzano, Lanuvio and Velletri and the public services that characterize this area, improving the territorial balance of the vehicular flows between the S.S. Appia Nuova and the S.P. Appia Vecchia.

Rome, Italy
Province of Rome 
2003 - 2004