Civil Defence centre

Civil Defence centre

Even in such as highly anthropic environment of the upper Garda region, the natural landscape of the morainic amphitheatre remains an indispensable reference point.

An essential design and formal rigour serve as the basis of a dialogue in “counterpoint” between the building and the irregular profile of the moraine mass. This dialogue is harmoniously developed through a choice of materials that clearly refers to this natural setting.

The layout of functions is used to articulate the building, with the technological and operational façade of the barracks to the south, toward the new by-pass road system, with a more “urban” front facing east and north toward the city centre and cemetery.

The training tower, located on the east side, serves as a landmark indicating the location of the new structure.

Arco di Trento, Italy
Municipality of Arco di Trento
2006 - 2012