Railway System | Civitavecchia Port Authority Area
Construction works on the Railway System inside the Civitavecchia Port Authority Area continue.
3TI Progetti is in charge of works supervision and health and safety management during the execution phase. The new configuration foresees the upgrading of the shunting yard and the former Vespucci wharf track bundle with the construction of a trunk track bundle optimized for the management of the intermodal freight terminal; and the construction of a new connecting track to quays 23, 24 and 25 in the area of the area of the Container Terminal with the relative operational bundle and the improvement of the deviation to platforms 23 and 24.
Location: Porto di Civitavecchia, Area fascio binari Molo Vespucci
Client: Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale – Porti di Roma e del Lazio
Amount: € 18.254.150,33