News, February 28, 2024

Back through time series: Quriyat Region

Back through time series: Quriyat Region

🌟 Today is the #3TIbackthroughtime series! We’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on a monumental journey of resilience and renewal in the #Quriyat Region!
🌀 From the ashes of Cyclone Gonu in 2007, a lighthouse of hope has risen: the rehabilitation of the Quriyat region. With unwavering determination, our team embarked on a mission to rebuild and revitalise the roads devastated by nature’s fury.
🛣️ Charting new paths: Amidst the devastation, we imagined a new bridge crossing the wadi to Hayl Al Ghaf, a testament to strength and connectivity beyond the 240 metres of adversity.
🔨 Restoration and reconstruction: More than 20 kilometres of roads have been rehabilitated in Ramlah-Daghmar, crowned by three majestic viaducts, each a symbol of resilience rising high above the wadi. Land and sea united: The Dibab-Fins road witnessed the birth of a new coastal link, uniting land and sea with a parallel highway, fostering unity and progress in the region.
🏞️ Rebirth along the Corniche: The Quriyat corniche road was reborn, completing the wadi Majalass improvement project, witnessing the beauty of restored nature and revitalised community spirit. Join us as we celebrate the triumph of spirit over adversity and the enduring legacy of renewal in the heart of Quriyat. 🌈