Events, February 16, 2024

Italy-Romania Business Forum

Italy-Romania Business Forum

Yesterday alfredo inglettiOICE and FIDIC – International Federation of Consulting Engineers Vice-President- together with Marco Ragusa -OICE Director of International Affairs- and Giorgia Gunnella -3TI Senior Partner and International Division Director- and Giorgia Di Biagio -3TI Partner and International Division Associate Director- took part in “Italy-Romania Business Forum”, organized by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale in collaboration with ITA – Italian Trade Agency and #RomanianEmbassy in #Italy.

The summit strengthened Italy’s role as Romania’s second largest supplier and customer. During the Business Forum, the focus was on key sectors: energy, agribusiness, ICT/digitalisation and infrastructure/mechanical engineering.

“OICE has historically positioned the Italian engineering and consulting market in the Romanian market,” said Vice President Ingletti. “This is also the reason why the Association has been involved in four sectoral technical missions over the past three years,” he continued.

In this way, OICE reinforced its commitment to Romania, a large country with challenging and economically strategic prospects.