News, February 21, 2024

LeStrade Article / Iasi Airport

LeStrade Article / Iasi Airport

Iasi International Airport’s expansion will position it as the 2nd largest terminal in Romania, able to cater for an increasing number of passengers.
The modernization of the terminal, together with improved accessibility via a new road, aims to enhance the travel experience. With modern facilities and increased capacity, including dedicated areas for administration, check-in and local and international traffic, Iasi Airport is set to become a strategic infrastructure hub in the north-eastern region of Romania.

This project underlines 3TI Progetti‘s commitment to the airport sector, consolidation its presence in Romania. Register for free on the “leStrade LS” magazine website and enjoy Giorgia Gunnella‘s exclusive article on the Masterplan and Feasibility Study of the new Iasi Airport in Romania.

✈️ Don’t miss out on this exclusive preview – join us for a journey into innovation and engineering excellence! 💼

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