#sustainability, May 7, 2024

New training seminar at 3TI Progetti headquarters

New training seminar at 3TI Progetti headquarters

πŸŽ“ 3TI Progetti is glad to announce the launch of a new training seminar Sto Italia | Cappotto Termico | Facciata Ventilata | Pannelli fonoassorbenti, focusing on thermal faΓ§ade insulation systems! πŸ’‘

πŸ“š The seminar is aimed at architects and engineers and provides an opportunity to update their skills and keep up-to-date of the latest innovations in the construction industry. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬

We are committed to support the professional development of our team and promoting a culture of continuous learning. Our dedication to excellence is what drives our success, creating a team that is specialized and competent.