Fabbrica del Carnevale

Fabbrica del Carnevale

The new museum “Fabbrica del Carnevale” in Fano, based on Arch. Italo Rota concept design, will be developed in Sant’ Arcangelo complex, the most impressive and evocative monumental building in the city Centre. The project represents a sustainable urban development strategy: the abandoned part of the building will be transformed into a new “entity” for the city and its citizens, creating a space for experimentation and creative hub.
3TI Progetti is in charge of the detailed design, works supervision and Health and Safety management for the new museum.

Stefano Luca Possati, 3TI Founding Partner & Technical Director, declares: “I am proud to develop this unique project in Fano, the city I grew up in, and to which I have always been very close. I am also very pleased to actively contribute to preserve Fano artistic and monumental building heritage.”

Fano, Italy
Municipality of Fano
2021 - ongoing
Arch. Italo Rota, Dunamis Architettura