News, March 11, 2021

Refurbishment of the Rio Cionchea in Cardé (CN)

Refurbishment of the Rio Cionchea in Cardé (CN)

3TI has signed a new contract for the refurbishment of the Rio Cionchea in Cardé (CN).
The area, set on the right bank of the Po river, is characterized by the presence of a hydrographic network consisting of several minor watercourses.
The activities are referred to the most of the stretch of the Rio Cionchea, for a development of 1.8 Km.
The scope of work insists on the restoration of the outflow sections (open air) in the urban section; the adaptation of the road network crossings; cleaning and re-profiling of the riverbed.
We are proud to offer our expertise in the environmentalcare!