Swedish Transport Administration Architecture Prize / Skuru Bridge

The Skuru Bridge, part of the Nya Skurubron project, serving as a crucial link between Stockholm and the archipelago – for which 3TI Progetti was in charge of the design basis, detailed design and technical assistance during design stage for the clients Itinera and Trafikverket– is shortlisted in the Swedish Transport Administration Architecture Prize 2023.
The project involves the construction of a new 320 m long and 32 m wide bridge, as well as the transformation of the old bridge into a pedestrian and bicycle path, ensured harmonization with the existing structure and the surrounding landscape, prioritizing design and traffic arrangement.
The Swedish Transport Administration’s Architecture Prize rewards infrastructure projects that stand out in in architecture, sustainability and the preservation of natural and cultural values. The winner will be announced at the Swedish Architects’ Architectural Gala on 9 April 2023 in Malmö.
The nomination of the Skuru Bridge underlines its importance as an exemplary infrastructure project that fully integrates functionality with aesthetic and environmental considerations. Recognition as a finalist reflects its contribution to Sweden’s infrastructural development and the professional opportunities it offers.
Nominerade till Trafikverkets arkitekturpris 2023 – Sveriges Arkitekter